Factory 2nds have cometic flaws, and/or widths being to narrow or wide by a tad. May require triming. None of these cosmetic flaws will effect the gold recovery. NO RETURNS AS-IS. Not for the picky or OCD customer.
6" X 22-1/2" Combo Dream Mat
Another great combo mat in smaller size!. Gold just gives up when facing the unsurpassable combo mat. Throw this in your sluice box and count on our unique 3 stage recovery system to lock on to your gold.
Takes recovery to the next level. Easier to use, more forgiving in flows & angles, run more material, less cons, more gold.
Fits in GF-USA new 6" Banker Coming soon.
Micro Mat = Insane fine gold recovery you can see; lets you know when you're on the gold without the migration other ribbed mats have.
Mini Mat has that front row gold reputation, sluice w/ confidence fine gold & nuggets are on lockdown!
Cape-D (New High Low Version) fine gold recovery for heavy black sands!
What's in your box?